Mr. Butler

0917 155 6521

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Roof Repair / Ceiling Restoration

Roof Repair and Ceiling Restoration Hero Image

Every homeowner knows that a sturdy roof is what keeps your family safe and dry. If you think about it, your roof is like the crown of the house and adds aesthetic appeal while protecting you and your home from storms, rain, and heat.

Your roof is an investment, and proper maintenance can extend its life. So you don’t have to worry about putting out pails to catch rainwater inside your home when it’s raining cats-and-dogs outside. 

As a homeowner, one of the most stressful repairs (if not THE most stressful) you would have to make is repairing your roof and ceiling. Finding a trustworthy handyman to do the job can be tedious – asking around for referrals and scrolling thru endless search results will eat up your time. Then comes the inspection – you would then need to find a hardware store to buy the right materials from while wondering if the estimation provided is accurate.

With Mr. Butler’s Roof Repair/Ceiling Restoration Service, our trustworthy and professional handymen are highly experienced in their line of work. An expert handyman will conduct an ocular inspection to inspect the damage or assess your roofing needs. Based on the total area, we will outline the materials needed and take care of the sourcing for you. You will only be charged for the materials used to complete the work, giving you the peace of mind that we will not overcharge you. We use top-of-the-line equipment, and our Roof Repair/Ceiling Restoration Service comes with warranty and insurance coverage.

With our Roof Repair/Ceiling Restoration Service, we offer:

• Gutter Cleaning
• Roof Cleaning
• Roofing Installation
• Roof painting
• Roof Repair/Restoration
• Ceiling Repair/Restoration

Please contact us for your Roof Repair/Ceiling Restoration Service needs.

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